HAM friendly QTH

I sincerely recommend Bikendrik Private Resort on Majuro Atoll run by Susanne Kayser. A very professional lady, she cooks great, has many interesting memories, and her island is a paradise for shortwave radio: no interference, plenty of space for antennas, located close to salt water, 15kW power supply from solar panels and a gasoline generator as backup.

For those who like swimming – clean water in the lagoon and an undersea reef. Far away from the rush and crowds of civilization but with internet contact via Starlink.

I will always remember Susanne’s hospitality!

Susanne Kyser telling her story to British film team

Found luggage

Today, Jacek SP5EAQ, picked up my luggage at the airport in Warsaw. Two bags with all the expedition equipment went missing a month ago in Brisbane when I was returning from Marshall Islands to Poland.

Thank you Jacek for your help!

Lost DXpedition equipment

It is happening more and more often nowadays. My bags containing all DXpedition equipment were lost during transfer in Brisbane. It was because Air Nauru flight had 1:40 hour delay and unfortunately, 2 pieces of my luggage did not have time to be unloaded and transferred to the Emirates plain. In Warsaw in lost and found office at the airport I was informed that they cannot do anything because luggage was lost before flying to Poland.

I try to ask Nauru Airlines to check at Brisbane but knowing bureaucratic systems chances are small. With which I will go on a possible next expedition…?